It's only fair that you'd like to place the Predator movies into a specific order. What could be more entertaining than to debate which installment of a movie series is the best? And when it comes to the Predator series, there are a lot of other characters who may potentially take the lead. The Predator 1 film, which features Arnold Schwarzenegger,… Read More

As the Leprechaun film series progressed and we saw films set in Las Vegas, Los Angeles, and even outer space, it became clear that the goal was less to provide a cohesive story and more to have a good time.Leprechaun in the Hood (original site) is the sixth Leprechaun film. It's about optimistic kids striving to conquer a world that's against them… Read More

Did you realize that Leprechaun 2 and 3 were radically different from what was initially envisioned? That's correct, Warwick Davis's horror flicks were not always the campy, farcical fare they are today. In truth, the stories were initially dark and twisted, with scripts to match.I was curious to view Decker Shado's film after hearing about it from… Read More